1. Introduction to python

  • · What is Python Programming Language?

2.Python’s History

  • · Python Architecture

  • · Python’s Components

  • · Features of Python

  • · File Extensions in Python

  • · Python Applications

  • · Advantages and Disadvantages of Python Programming Language

3.Python Programming Fundamentals

  • · Python installation

  • · Environment Setup

  • · Python tools

  • · Python first program

  • · Reserved words in Python

  • · Identifiers

  • · Constants

  • · Input & output statements in python

  • · Data types in python

  • · Variables in python

  • · Operators in python

  • · Sample programs on Python

  • · Python Comments

  • · Python Indentation and Python Statement

4.Python Decision Making Statements

  • · if Statements

  • · if-else Statements

  • · elif ladder

  • · Nested if Statements

  • · Ternary Operators

4. Loops in Python

  • · Introduction to Python Loop

  • · Python For Loop

  • · Python While Loop

  • · Python Loop Control Statements

  • · Nested For Loop in Python

  • · Loop Control Statements in Python

  • break

  • continue

  • pass

5. Python Function

  • What is a function in Python?

  • Docstring

  • The return statement

  • How Function works in Python?

  • Scope and Lifetime of variables

  • Types of Functions

  • Arguments

  • Variable Function Arguments

  • Default Arguments

  • Positional argument (Required argument)

  • Keyword Arguments

  • Arbitrary Arguments

  • Python Recursion

  • Python Anonymous/Lambda Function

  • Python Global, Local and Nonlocal variables

  • Python Global Keyword

6. Modules in Python

  • · What are modules in Python?

  • · How to import modules in Python?

  • o Python import statement

  • o Import with renaming

  • o Python from...import statement

  • o Import all names

  • · Python Module Search Path

  • · Reloading a module

7. Python Package

  • · Introduction Python Packages

  • · Package Initialization

  • · Importing * From a Package

  • · Subpackages

8. Python Strings

  • · Introduction to Strings

  • · Declaring a string

  • · Using quotes inside a string

  • · Spanning a string across lines

  • · Accessing a string

  • · String concatenation

  • · String formatters

  • · Escape sequences

  • · String functions

  • · Operations on strings

9. Pythons List

  • · Creating lists

  • · Accessing lists

  • · Slicing lists

  • · Reassigning lists

  • · Deleting elements

  • · Multidimensional lists

  • · Concatenation of lists

  • · Operations on list

  • · Iterating on a list

  • · List comprehension

  • · Built in functions

  • · Built methods

10. Python Tuple

  • · Creating a Tuple

  • · Accessing a Tuple

  • · Slicing a Tuple

  • · Reassigning a Tuple

  • · Deleting a Tuple

  • · Iterating on a Tuple

  • · Nested Tuples

  • · Functions on Tuple

  • · Methods on Tuple

11. Python Sets & BooleansSets:

  • · Creating a set

  • · Accessing a set

  • · Deleting a set

  • · Operations on sets

  • · The Frozenset

  • · Updating a set

  • · Functions on sets

  • · Methods on sets

  • · Iterating on a set Booleans:

  • · Value of a Boolean

  • · The bool() functions

  • · Operations on Booleans

  • · Declaring a Boolean

  • · Boolean values of various constructs

11. Python Dictionaries

  • · Creating a Dictionary

  • · Accessing a dictionary

  • · Reassigning a dictionary

  • · Deleting a Dictionary

  • · Operations on a dictionary

  • · In built Functions on a Dictionary

  • · In built Methods on a Dictionary

  • · Iterating on a Dictionary

  • · Nested Dictionary

12. Python – Date Time

  • · Date time Module

  • · date Objects

  • · time Objects

  • · date time Objects

  • · time delta Objects

13. Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs)

  • This section will focus on the principles and concepts of Object-Oriented Programming in Python.

  • Introduction to OOPs

  • Understanding classes and objects

  • Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism

  • Abstraction and interfaces

  • Creating Classes and Objects

  • Defining classes and their attributes

  • Creating objects and accessing attributes

  • Constructor and destructor methods

  • Inheritance and Polymorphism

  • Extending classes using inheritance

  • Method overriding and super() function

  • Polymorphism and method overloading

  • Class methods and static methods

  • Abstract classes and interfaces

  • Multiple inheritance and method resolution order

Python Programming Syllabus